Quantified Innovation Assessment
Understand your innovation culture
You can’t improve what you can’t measure.
Finally, you can understand the innovation abilities of your whole organization quickly and powerfully.
Our highly efficient research-backed assessment requires only 15 minutes per-person. Our AI system immediately generates easy-to-understand reports that power the Innovation Dashboard.
Dashboard Views Include:
Individual innovation skills report showing areas of strength and growth
Executive-level dashboard showing skills of everyone in your organization
Innovation Self-Efficacy that predicts future success
Team psychological safety revealing teams that enable innovation to thrive
What is your innovation superpower?
Everyone receives an easy-to-understand report that shows their innovation abilities on a 6-axis spider graph. They’ll see their areas of greatest strength, areas for improvement, and understand ways to increase their effectiveness.
This report has incredible impact to help individuals learn more about innovation, form innovation teams, and work with people that have different innovation talents and diverse backgrounds.
The Breakthrough Kotelly Model Of Innovation
Our unique model is the secret to how we help you understand and improve your whole organization. When you can see where everyone is, you can improve the leadership skills that your Virtuosos lack, and you can improve the ability to reduce uncertainty and ambiguity that your Influencers need.
Most importantly, you can easily construct higher performing innovation teams, find amazing hidden talent and meet D&I objectives.
You want proof? So do we.
Lasting, statistically-significant improvement in innovation skills
Most people who try to improve how people work offer workshops that get people really excited for about a week, but don’t actually have long-lasting effect. Sometimes people become more aware of a topic but rarely do they actually develop skills they continue to use long after the training is over. To prove that our approach is unlike any other, we conduct assessments pre- and-post training. This is how we know that the training is valuable immediately and the effect is long lasting.
One of the ways we prove that the material and the way we teach it improves how the team operates is by analyzing the change in the team’s self-efficacy for skills related to innovation. Basically it means we measure how much their confidence improves for a variety of skills that we don’t explicitly teach in the class but which they develop as a result of learning the material.
The reason we do this is because there’s a substantive body of research, including work that Blade Kotelly has done with the prestigious Gordon Engineering Leadership Program at MIT*, that shows an important factor for predicting future success is having a high level of self-efficacy.
On the chart you can see the change in scores they reported immediately after the training. They scored themselves on a 100 point scale, and the average increases were 13 points. We’ve also included P values for each score, (remember, we’re the Data-Driven Innovation Company), and if you’re not familiar with statistics, the P value is a way to show that a particular score is actually the result of the training rather than just happening randomly. In research we look for P values that are less than .05. The smaller the number, the stronger the significance. One of the scores has a P value of .00002 (which is crazy small and therefore extremely significant).
The 4-Month Follow-Up Study
*Engineering leadership capabilities and their assessment using self-efficacy methods trace their origins, in part, to work done at the Gordon-MIT Engineering Leadership program at Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Organizations love seeing these kinds of results. As you read through this set of skills you might find that some may be particularly valuable to to your organization, such as “Help team members arguing for very different strategies arrive at a choice they can all support” (+11.8 points, P <.00027), for example.
You might be thinking “yeah, of course they’re excited right after the training, but does it last?” So we did another test. Scroll down for the results of the follow-up.
We went back to the same group 4 months later and had them reassess their self-efficacy. During that time we never spoke to any of them, followed up with them, or provided access to the results of their self-efficacy assessments. You can see that the effect was maintained 4 months later! This is how we know that our methodologies for assessing and improving innovation skills has enormous impact.